Sunday, April 10, 2011

Crock-Pot Yogurt

8 cups organic whole milk (2% also works but you get more whey)
1/2 cup organic live/active plain yogurt

Optional: 2-3 T vanilla for a slightly vanilla-y flavored yogurt

1. Pour milk into the Crock-Pot. Add vanilla, if desired. Cover and cook on low for 4 hours.

2. Leave the cover on and unplug the Crock-Pot. Let it sit for 5 1/4 hours.

3. Scoop out 2 cups of the warmish milk and whisk it together with the 1/2 cup yogurt in a separate bowl. When it is thoroughly combined, dump it back into the Crock-Pot and stir. Replace the lid, and with it still unplugged, wrap a heavy bath towel around and over the Crock-Pot for insulation. Let it sit for 12 hours in a warm room.

4. Strain the yogurt in a fine sieve (or use a teatowel, cheesecloth, or 2 layers strong paper towels, ie Viva) for one hour to get the whey, and thus a thicker yogurt. You should get 1-2 cups of whey for this amount of yogurt. Store the yogurt and whey for up to two weeks in the frig.

The yogurt is yummy with a little organic brown sugar, or with fruit in a smoothie. Use the whey to thin smoothies if the fruit you add makes it too thick.

If your Crock-Pot is big enough, this recipe is easily doubled, using the same amount of time in each step.

(Original recipe from Jamie. Thanks!)